Unlocking Your Potential

Explore our supported employment, small group employment, and community participation supports.


Supported Employment Services for Diverse Abilities

Supported Employment Services for Diverse Abilities

Supported Employment

Through customized career assessments and dedicated job finding and support services, we foster lasting employment connections, with our …
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Small Group Employment

Offers supervised group settings within the community, providing 100% support from an on-site job coach for up to three individuals. Its …
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Community Participation Supports

We encourage inclusion in the community, promoting a sense of belonging and personal growth. Our support extends beyond the workplace.
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Career Services

Job Coaching

Equalworks provides comprehensive job coaching and support for individuals with developmental disabilities, covering job search, interview preparation, and workplace orientation

Job Development/ Job Finding

Equalworks assists individuals with disabilities in discovering job opportunities aligned with their skills and interests, proactively reaching out to potential employers on their behalf.

School to Work Transition

Equalworks' program supports students transitioning from high school to work or post-secondary education, offering career counseling, job readiness workshops, college search assistance, and guidance on internships and employment opportunities.

On-the-Job Training

Equalworks provides professional development through on-the-job training, focusing on job skills, work habits, and social skills for individuals with disabilities.

Job Accommodations

Equalworks collaborates with employers to identify and implement reasonable accommodations, such as assistive technologies or job modifications, fostering success for individuals with disabilities in the workplace.

Job Support

Equalworks assists individuals with disabilities in overcoming obstacles that may affect employment success, offering guidance on transportation, childcare, and other challenges.

Follow-Up Support

Equalworks offers ongoing support to ensure sustained success in jobs, including regular check-ins and problem-solving assistance for individuals with disabilities.

Advocacy and Education

Equalworks advocates for disability rights and educates employers on the advantages of hiring from this population, working towards a more inclusive workplace culture.

Transportation Training

Tailored guidance teaches essential skills for independent navigation of public transportation systems, promoting confidence and autonomy in commuting.

Career Planning: Vocational Assessment & Job Finding

Identifying strengths and interests, followed by targeted job finding support to match individuals with fitting employment opportunities, ensuring a harmonious professional fit.

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